The ICANetwork, thru one of it's sites is now sponsoring a monthly drawing for a free iPad with no purchase necessary, and it's so simple to enter… Everyone who requests a free QR code for any one of the three QR code products featured on the home page is awarded a point, and each point is worth a free entry into next month's drawing.
The drawings are held on the first business day of each month and one new winner will be selected each month! Entering the drawing is as simple as visiting Get a free QR code for any one of the three products - all three if you like - and tell the world about them using the free tools provided at the site, and receive points for each.
The three QR code products are:
- A QR code for any website or any page at any site
- A Virtual Business Card with QR code - which may also be used just for personal use. Your contacts will be able to scan your Virtual Business Card QR code and automatically load your contact information right to their phone with no typing!
- A QR code for any phone number, which The ICANetwork calls their "speed dial" QR code product.
In fact, each time a free QR code is requested for any of the three products, you are given a point for next month's drawing… But if that's not cool enough, check this out...
On the 2nd page that pops up after you select your QR code, the system automatically generates your QR code right before your eyes, AND more importantly, on that same page provides you with all of the marketing tools you could possibly use to announce to all of your contacts, your new QR code.
You can access your favorite social media accounts simply by clicking on the appropriate icon, you can even allow the system to send a brief email on your behalf to your email contacts. And guess what?
Each time any of your contacts come in and request any one of, or all of, the QR code products, you earn an additional point to be entered into next month's drawing. Conceivably you could have hundreds or thousands of points which would dramatically increase your odds of winning each month.
So, not only do you get the finest QR code products guaranteed to work on any smart phone platform, but for each one of your own QR codes and each one of the QR codes obtained by those you refer using the marketing tools, you are entered into the monthly drawing again and again and again.
The ICANetwork makes these tools available because they believe having these tools in place make it
convenient and essential for all of their customers to market their QR codes to everyone they know through email and social media accounts. It's an amazing system!
Sign up to free a free iPad Now!
The drawings are held on the first business day of each month and one new winner will be selected each month! Entering the drawing is as simple as visiting Get a free QR code for any one of the three products - all three if you like - and tell the world about them using the free tools provided at the site, and receive points for each.
The three QR code products are:
- A QR code for any website or any page at any site
- A Virtual Business Card with QR code - which may also be used just for personal use. Your contacts will be able to scan your Virtual Business Card QR code and automatically load your contact information right to their phone with no typing!
- A QR code for any phone number, which The ICANetwork calls their "speed dial" QR code product.
In fact, each time a free QR code is requested for any of the three products, you are given a point for next month's drawing… But if that's not cool enough, check this out...
On the 2nd page that pops up after you select your QR code, the system automatically generates your QR code right before your eyes, AND more importantly, on that same page provides you with all of the marketing tools you could possibly use to announce to all of your contacts, your new QR code.
You can access your favorite social media accounts simply by clicking on the appropriate icon, you can even allow the system to send a brief email on your behalf to your email contacts. And guess what?
Each time any of your contacts come in and request any one of, or all of, the QR code products, you earn an additional point to be entered into next month's drawing. Conceivably you could have hundreds or thousands of points which would dramatically increase your odds of winning each month.
So, not only do you get the finest QR code products guaranteed to work on any smart phone platform, but for each one of your own QR codes and each one of the QR codes obtained by those you refer using the marketing tools, you are entered into the monthly drawing again and again and again.
The ICANetwork makes these tools available because they believe having these tools in place make it
convenient and essential for all of their customers to market their QR codes to everyone they know through email and social media accounts. It's an amazing system!
Sign up to free a free iPad Now!